So this is Me

So I thought I would introduce myself & tell you a little bit about me, as well as the message and meaning behind Soul Rebellion.

To start with my name is Kell, that is unless I'm in trouble or your in trouble with me, then its Kelly. I am a woman, mother, daughter, wife, sister, friend and a billion things to loads of people but what I need you to know, is that I'm a work in progress.

Straight up, lets get honest & if your here for the quick cure, I am sorry to tell you but there is no magic potion that makes all of life's crap bits, such as issues with self-love & worth, things like anxiety & depression, just up and disappear, sorry to disappoint cause it doesn't exist, cause I would have already drank that sucker. What I can tell you, is that using art, holistic Counselling & other practices, we have tools to use. These tools can help remind you of your worth, teach you how to cope in the low times & how to crawl out and stand up a little quicker when you fall, cause you are going to fall because you are human and it's inevitable. We all do, so please don't feel alone in your struggles.

Soul Rebellions message to the world is Redefining Beautiful because quiet frankly, I've had an absolute gut full and I'm exhausted of society & media selling me what is beautiful and what is less than. So basically my Soul is rebelling and trying to create an army of warriors that can teach & remind the women of the world that they are Enough just as they are. That as women, we are not placed on this earth to be looked at like a thing, we are here to live incredible lives & unapologetically celebrate who we are and each other. 

By Redefining Beautiful, then we are truly seeing the soul. The smart girl, the kind girl, the creative girl. We are told that we are too big, too skinny, too loud, too shy, simply too much but yet still never Enough. So no wonder we suffer from self-worth & self-acceptance issues. I invite you to instead learn and stumble and keeping trying to fully LOVE, EMBRACE & DISCOVER the incredible warrior woman you are.

Remember you are Loved, Worthy & Enough just as your perfectly imperfect self, right now in this very moment.

Kell xx

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