Sitting in your Shit

Sitting in your Shit...

To clarify this is not actual shit but it is indeed our stuff, our trauma, our baggage, our heart ache, and hard times. It is just life kicking us from behind and landing us straight on the ground, the shit that we land in, is usually our story of all things that we have not dealt with yet, sometimes it’s the things we hadn’t even realised yet. I say it kicks us from behind because we usually don’t see it coming but we do sense the unease of something lingering, yet we continue to travel along and pretend it’s not there, effecting our worth, our relationships, our lives. Until, until the day arrives that the universe says “I have given you so many chances and so much time to deal with what you needed but you did not listen, so now you need to wash it of before you can keep going. I believe in you, it’s time if even you can’t see it, trust that I can” and we do, sometimes it’s takes a little longer, it’s a little harder and it feels so heavy you could break but you get up, you wash it off, you let it go and you move forward.

Therapy in whatever form relates and works for you, is where we can learn the tools to lessen the shit to trip over, you will still fall in it but you don’t need to deep dive and let it swallow you whole. By dealing with the past, letting go of whatever you need to release from your soul, whether it be something you have done or something that was done to you, really is one of the kindest, loving and most caring things you can do for yourself and those around you. It offers the freedom of choice instead of simply reacting to our triggers. We all need help at some point with this, it doesn't mean your weak or less than, it doesn’t make you anything other than a human hoping for a better existence.

Kell xx

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